Thursday, April 7, 2011


Almost everyday I will see this aunty diligently hand out pamphlets to hordes of working crowd near my office. Yesterday was no exception. The pamphlet was on some health products. Not interested, so I just smiled at the lady and went inside office, boot up my laptop and start work. Soon I was lost in my own world....but not so lost until I didn't notice someone trying to put something on my table. Quick glance and it's the VERY SAME pamphlet that I saw this morning, slowly inching its way onto my table. Wat the...........I look up and saw the very same woman downstairs standing next to me, trying to put the phamplet on my desk and at the same time pretending she is invisible.

Me: Said phamplet is still on my desk if anyone want to have a look...


  1. She's your colleague ar? Can hand pamphlet inside office as well one?

  2. No lar, it's some aunty from downstairs.. eeerie rite..
