Thursday, August 18, 2011


I don't know how she does it. I went gym again today. How can my PM make me go gym without seemingly making me. Lucky she is not my mum or else....

Anyway, after a few times going to the gym I confidently step on the weighing machine to find..... I am heavier by 2kg.

Me: It's the muscle, it's the muscle, it's the muscle, it's the..... argh~ 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Drove to desperation

My PM is a healthy person. After I told her we have a gym downstairs, she has been going very frequently which makes me very guilty for not going. To elevate my guilt I try to find out the days she doesn't go gym.

I asked on weekdays, she goes, I asked her on weekends, she goes. I asked her when we had to work so late and reach home after 10pm, she goes. I asked her when she had to cook for the lot of us and spend the whole day preparing, she goes. I asked her when she is not feeling well, she goes.

Finally I asked her to tell me which day she does not go to gym so that I can asked her that day just so I can hear her tell me she is not going, thus elevate the guilt.

She said, ' You so cute...'

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

5000 vs 500

High five!

This is my hand.

Last weekend, I saw some nice cherry tomatoes selling for 400 won per 500 gram. I show the lady my hand (yes above) and said 500g. Lady look at my hand and with eyes shining start shoving tomatoes into the plastic bag. I end up with 2kg of cherry tomatoes for 5000 won (appx RM10.00). Some more gave me thumbs up.

Anyone want cherry tomatoes? Do you have any idea how much is 2kg? Show you all next time.